COVID FAQ for Masks
Do I have to wear a mask when I am alone?
No. A staff person alone in their classroom or office does not need to wear a mask.
Do I have to wear one when I am with my team?
Yes. In meeting with your team, all participants will wear a mask.
If a staff person or student requests a mask waiver, who do I direct them to?
Staff and student requests for a mask waiver should be sent to Josie Stijepovic, Director of Risk Management/COVID Safety Officer.For a staff person, please download the COVID-19 Reasonable Accommodations
Staff: To view and download the COVID-19 Reasonable Accommodations, click here.
Student: To view and download the Mask Waiver Form, click here
For questions or to submit form, contact Josie Stijpovic:
Phone: (760) 246-8691 x10208
Will this mask requirement be enforced? If so, how?
All staff and students are required to wear a mask. If a student does not have access to a mask, one will be provided free of charge by the school/District.
If a student has a health concern, then a mask waiver should be submitted to waive the mask-mandate.
If the student does not have a health concern and does not want to wear a mask, then the student will be offered Independent Study.
Do vaccinated staff need to wear masks?
Yes. Vaccinated staff are required to wear a mask.
Will vendors, visitors and volunteers be allowed on a school site?
Vendors, visitors and volunteers will be allowed on school sites if it is for essential needs (e.g. IT, M&), supplies and equipment deliveries, emergency personnel/first responders). Site leaders will need to monitor and manage visitors and vendors.