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Parent Education Services

To contact Parent Education Services, (760) 246-8691:
Isela Chavez, Family Engagement Liaison,, x 10212


What is Parent Education Services? Sometimes referred to as Parent Engagement or Parent Involvement

According to experts, the definition of parent engagement is parents and teachers sharing a responsibility to help their children learn and meet educational goals. Parent engagement happens when teachers involve parents in school meetings or events, and parents volunteer their support at home and at school. In this way, they make a commitment. Parents commit to prioritizing their child’s educational goals, and teachers commit to listening and providing a space for collaboration with parents.

Parent involvement is when parents participate in school events or activities, and teachers provide learning resources or information about their student’s grades.

After the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB), our focus as educators shifted from parent involvement to engagement. We begin by giving parents resources, inviting them to activities, and helping them monitor their children’s progress. Then, we partner with them to set goals for their students and find ways to strengthen our classrooms. When we engage parents in the learning process, our school communities are all the more enriched for it.

Children with engaged parents are more likely to:

  • Earn higher grades or test scores
  • Graduate from high school and attend post-secondary education
  • Develop self-confidence and motivation in the classroom
  • Have better social skills and classroom behavior


To learn more about parent education classes being offered by AESD, visit  Parentsquare.