Transportation Services
- About Transportation
- Bus Rider Policy
- Bus Routes
- Contact Us
- Join your Route
- Bus Driver Jobs
- Complaint Reports
About Transportation
Interested in Transportation Services?
Please fill out a Transportation Application to apply for transportation for the incoming school year. Please fill out an application on the ParentSquare App by clicking on the button below.
General Information
- 2024-2025 School begins August 08, 2024.
You are expected to be at the bus stop no more than 5 minutes before bus arrival time.
- While waiting for the bus, remain off private property, and stand in a straight line quietly until the bus arrives.
- For the safety of all students, when the bus arrives, do not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the driver opens the door.
- In the afternoon. you are to exit the bus at your stop and go straight home.
- Times are subject to change. Please check schedule regularly.
- Keep track of your bus route by joining your Bus Route's Group on Parentsquare.
Bus transportation is provided to each student who demonstrates good behavior and who meets the following criteria:
- Kindergarten through Grade Three: Resides more than 1 ¼ miles from the school of residence.
- Grades Four through Eight: Resides more than two miles from the school of residence.
*Please note that eligibility is based on the distance from the home to the school, not the home to the nearest bus stop.
Bus Rider Policy
Bus Rider Policy
SCHOOL BUS: PASSENGER SAFETY: All students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and grades 1 to 6, shall receive written information on school bus safety (i.e., a list of school bus stops near each student's home, general rules of conduct at school bus loading zones, red light crossing instructions, school bus danger zone, and walking to and from school bus stops). Before departure on a school activity trip, all students riding on a school bus or school activity bus shall receive safety instruction that includes but is not limited to, the location of emergency exits, and the location and use of emergency equipment. Instruction also may include the responsibilities of passengers seated next to an emergency exit.
Bus / Transportation Student Conduct
The state law (Section 14103 Title 5 C.A.C. “Authority of bus driver) reads: Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible to the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, highway or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation in accordance with regulations of the governing board of the District.
Students may receive a “bus ticket” for any of the following infractions:
1. Improper boarding/departing procedures this includes students shall be on the right-hand side of the roadway and at the bus stop five (5) minutes before the bus arrives. For the safety of all students, please refrain from dropping off students in the middle of the street or on the opposite side of the bus that is loading.
2. While waiting for the bus at the designated bus stop, Students must refrain from horse playing with each other and must be respectful and considerate of the property nearby all designated bus stops.
3. Students need to wait for the bus driver to signal them to approach the bus. Students are to line up in an orderly fashion, DO NOT push, run, trip or fight on the bus.
4. All passengers are to immediately sit down and put on their seatbelts at ALL times (if vehicle is equipped). Facing forward seated properly and keeping all body parts within the bus. Passengers are to not throw any objects inside or out of the bus windows. Once bus is in motion, all students must remain seated at ALL times. No standing or moving seats without notifying the bus driver.
5. If the route has a rail road crossing, students are to remain silent so that the bus driver can assure NO trains will be passing at the time of the crossing.
6. Bringing articles aboard bus of injurious or objectionable nature. Such as: Animals/Insects caged or otherwise onto the bus. Knives, guns or any metal or glass objects. No flammable items, such as matches, liquids or lighters. ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING.
7. Tampering with bus equipment
8. Destruction of property and Graffiti
9.If students must cross the street, they must bus do so in front of the bus with the assistance of the driver.1
10.No eating or drinking is allowed while on the school bus.
11.Bulling or name-calling will not be tolerated on the bus at any time.
12. Students must ride their assigned bus and get On/off at assigned bus stops only
13.Students engaged in a sexual nature of any kind including touching other students or making comments about body parts of other students, or kissing will result in revocation of bus privileges.
14. A parent or guardian of a kinder must be present and have in his or her possession a kinder blue card in order for the release of any kinder. Parents must arrive on time to pick up their kinder from the bus stop, repeated failures will result in the loss of bus privileges.
15. Refusing to obey the driver, Bus drivers have the responsibility over all the passengers aboard. Passengers must be on their good behavior on the bus. Rude, discourteous and annoying conduct. Unnecessary noise. Other behavior relating to safety, well-being and respect for others. DISTRACTIONS CAUSE ACCIDENTS. RIDING IS A PRIVILEGE NOT A RIGHT !!!
Riders who fail to comply with the above rules shall be reported to the school principal, who shall determine the severity of the misconduct and take action accordingly. In all instances of misconduct, the rider and his/her parent/guardian shall be given notice and warning. In case of a severe violation or repeated offenses, the rider may be denied transportation for a period of time determined by the principal, up to the remainder of the school year. The principal or designee of the school will notify the parent of any written bus citation. The following consequences shall be followed:
• 1st offense—warning and ticket home
• 2nd offense—3 day suspension from bus
• 3rd offense—5 day suspension from bus
• 4th offense—10 day suspension from bus
• 5th offense—bus privileges suspended for rest of school year
The principal may suspend immediately from the bus if the infraction is warranted. The transportation office and the school office will keep copies of the citations on file with each incident. Teachers will endeavor to familiarize pupils with the standards of conduct expected of them as passengers prior to their participation in trips.
It is the parent’s responsibility to contact the school office when a student is issued a “School Bus Incident Report”.
Please Note: Any fighting or other serious offense will result in the student automatically starting at step 5. Offenses that pose serious harm to your student, other riders, drivers of other vehicles, or the bus driver, or result in the need for the driver to stop the bus and notify the site administrators and/or California Highway Patrol (CHP) for assistance may result in immediate removal from the bus for a minimum of 30-days to the remainder of the year plus appropriate school consequences.
Bus Routes
Contact Us
Carla Villanueva Coordinator of Transportation & Driver Training, x 10258 Enriqueta Solis- "Kiki" Secretary II,, x 10262
Join your Route
Stay updated with your student's transportation by joining your "Bus Route Group" on Parentsquare!
Make sure you know which route your student is approved for before joining. Once you know what route, look for you route and then click on the link below. On the next page, look for the "join" button and click on it. You'll then have access to all of that route's updates.
Bus Driver Jobs
Bus Driver Trainee or Pre-Cert
Complaint Reports
Please use this form to report all bus issues, including bus stop concerns and to report a bus driver. The AESD Transportation Department values your opinion.
Transportation Complaint Form //
Formulario de queja de transporte en Español